
'Signs of Change'

40 years ago 22 Welsh language campaigners stormed the High Court in London as part of their protest for bilingual road signs. Today it's hard to imagine the Welsh 'landscape' devoid of Welsh signs, but thats how it was in 1970.

In 'Signs of Change', Radio 4 looks back at the language campaign of that period, and hears from some of the main players and those who were imprisoned following the High Coutt protest


Cadw Sŵn

I think I mentioned in class last week about another course/resource thats now available in part on-line free of charge. The course 'Cadw Sŵn' has been around for some time and uses the technique of listening to music whilst learning to help speed things up. I've never tried this myself, but on listening to the bits on the site, it's clear the tutor Colin Jones has an interesting take on things. The link below leads to a sample which looks at shorcut techniques for forming the past and future tenses (which we have in part covered as well), it's certainly worth a listen



Eira Mawr.....

Hopefully everyone got the message that classes are cancelled today due to the weather. This is a good job in a way as we can't get our car up or down the road where we live, being on a hill that's rarely gritted!

Ta waeth, mwynhewch yr eira, a wela i chi wythnos nesaf gobeithio, Neil

(anyway, enjoy the snow, and I'll see you next week hopefully)