

I was reminded while watching a feature about limericks of this Welsh classic by Geraint Lovgreen. It goes something like this:

Ro'n i'n nabod rhai ddyn o Hong Kong,
Roedd yn hoffi chwarae Ping Pong,
Doedd gynno fo ddim bat,
neu pêl come to that
Dweud y gwir roedd o'n chwarae fo wrong!!

Ro'n i - roeddwn i (I was)
dweud y gwir - to be honest


  1. Bendegedig!
    I can't tranlste this properly so it's in the 'seisneg' for now I'm afraid:
    There was a young man from Dundee,
    Who got stung on the neck by a wasp,
    When asked if it hurt,
    he said "Not at all,
    It can do it again if it likes.

    (I'm here all week)

  2. A difficult one to translate this as the Welsh for bee is 'gwenynen' and wasp is 'cacynen' !

    Having looked up 'bee' I got as far as:

    'Roedd 'na hogyn o ardal Treffynon,
    Gaeth ei bigo un ddydd gan ....'

    before realising this!!

  3. We learnt an ancient welsh song over the weekend - it's short and sweet but I'm sure we could get everyone to sing it....

    Lawr y lon goch
    Lawr y lon goch
    Neil paid a jibio!

    Apparantly you repeat this a few times, and can just change the name....

  4. Short and sweet sounds good!

    Not sure what 'jibio' means, something like 'skive'?!!

  5. We were reliably informed it means 'to jib' , as in to give up/jib it in/etc!
