
Cyfarchion y Pasg - Easter Greetings

Dwi'n gobeithio bod pawb yn mwynhau gwyliau'r Pasg.  Dwi wedi cael y ffliw (wel annwyd drwg efallai!) ond dwi'n teimlo'n well heddiw diolch byth.

(I hope everyone is enjoying the Easter Holidays.  I've had the flu (well a bad cold maybe!), but I'm feeling better today thank goodness.)

Ive just been checking a bit of Easter vocab, some of  which I'd forgotten to be honest (that's the trouble with things that only happen once a year, it takes several years to remember them!),  it's interesting sometimes to see the names other languages use for familiar festivals, as it can throw a new light on the English names.

Dydd Iau Cablyd - Maundy Thursday  (cablyd coming via old Irish and Latin and refering to the cutting and shaving of hair and washing  of feet by monks to commemorate the Last Supper)

Dydd Gwener y Groglith -  Good Friday ( means 'friday of the hanging',  pretty direct I suppose!) 

Dydd Sul y Pasg - Easter Sunday

Dydd Llun y Pasg - Easter Monday

(The word 'Pasg' has its origins in the Hebrew 'Pesakh' meaning 'Passover'. The English name 'Easter' meanwhile probably derives from the pagan Goddess Eostre!) 

Dydd Iau Dyrchafael  -  Ascension Thursday

Y Sulgwyn  -  Whitsun (literally the white sunday)

Ta waeth, mwynhewch gweddill y gwyliau!  (anyway, enjoy the rest of the holidays!)


  1. Diolch Neil.
    Dwi'n edrych ar y teledu p'nawn ma (Tour of Flanders).
    Heddiw = Pel droed, Beicio ac Pasg Wyau.
    Yfory hefyd!
    "Croeshoeliad ydy hefyd da atyn."

  2. Pêl-droed, beicio, wyau Pasg, mae'n swnio fel gŵyl y banc perffaith (ar wahan i ganlyniad Tranmere dydd llun!), mwynha!
