
Noson Cofrestru...enrolment evening

It was great to see so many people turning up to enrol for Level 1 Welsh last night, as well as getting a chance to catch up with those returning to do Level 2.
I think there were around 16 who enrolled for the first year, and there may well be one or two more who turn up on the first night. It's always interesting for me to hear other peoples reasons for wanting to learn Welsh, and this year there seemed to be quite a few with direct Welsh family connections, as well as others who spend a lot of time in Wales for one reason or another.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding out more over the coming weeks...


  1. Roedd hi'n neis gweld pawb mewn dosbarth heno.
    Mi ddes i adre a mi ges i 'Cinio Sausage'.
    Blasus iawn! Paned o de rwan.
    Eto, croeso yn ol pawb.

  2. Oedd. Ges i ddim cinio sosej (selsig) yn anffodus, dim ond gwydriad (a glass) mawr o win coch ar ôl cyrraedd adre, blasus hefyd :)
