
Gwleidyddiaeth / Politics... if you've not had enough....

With all the politics in the news this week, you will have heard many words relating to the election and all its associated fallout on any Welsh news reports you've heard. Here are a few of the common ones:

Etholiad cyffredinol - general election
Etholaeth - constituency
Pleidleisio - to vote
Bwrw pleidlais - to cast a vote
pledlais - a vote
y pleidleiswyr - the voters
Y Toriaid/Ceidwadwyr - The Tories/Conservatives
Y Blaid Lafur - The Labour Party
Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol - Lib Dems (many just say lib dems, though it's great once you master it!)
Dadl - argument/debate
Prif Weinidog - Prime Minister
Y Senedd - Parliament
Senedd Grog - Hung Parliament
San Steffan - Westminster
Trafodaeth(au) - discussion(s)
Clymblaid - Coalition
y gwrthblaid - the opposition
Llanast - mess!


  1. Llanast iawn!-they're all lizards.
    (I watched the mini series 'V' in the eighties.)
    San Steffan= Amgueddfa 'Barnyard Oddities'.
    Esther McVey= May the Lord have Mercy on your souls Cilgwri West.

  2. Mae un hysbyslen/poster (gair wnes i ddysgu gan Sharon yr wythnos diwetha os ti'n cofio!) yn dal i hongian yn West Kirby, gyda wyneb Esther enfawr yn gwennu lawr arnon ni (on us), dychrynllyd! Sgersli Bilíf!
