
Gwybodaeth defnyddiol - Useful Info

Dwi wedi dod o hyd i lyfryn bach sy'n dweud be' sy'n mynd ymlaen ym mhob cornel o'r Eisteddfod, o Faes-D i'r Pafiliwn mawr pinc!  Mae'n ar gael fel ffeil pdf yma.

Mae map o'r Maes ar gael hefyd fel pdf yma. Cofiwch! mi fydd rhaid i ni gyrraedd y Prif Mynedfa er mwyn casglu'r tocynnau o 'ffenestr' y Cystadleuwyr (Cystadleuaeth 121 yn Maes-D)  Dwi'n credu bod yr arwyddion ar yr A483 yn eich cyfeirio chi at y maes parcio agosaf i'r prif mynedfa.

Dyma'r cyfeiriadau, wela i chi yna!

Ive found a small pamphlet which says what's going on in every corner of the Eisteddfod from Maes-D to the big pink Pavilion! It's available as a pdf file here.

There's a map of the 'Maes' available as well as a pdf here.   Remember! We'll have to arrive at the Main Entrance in order to collect the tickets from the 'Cystadleuwyr' window (competition 121 Maes-D).  I believe that the directions from the A483 direct you to the car park nearest to the main entrance.

Here are the directions, see you there!


Ymarfer Sgets...

Dwi'n edrych ymlaen at yr ymarfer sgets sy'n digwydd yn ty Mike ac Anne nos fercher, ond ar ol gofyn i bawb dysgu eu llinellau, dwi'n dechrau panicio rwan am ddysgu fy llinellau i! 

digwydd - happening
llinellau - lines


gwersi am ddim efo Nia ac Ioan...

(English below)

Dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar wefan Cariad@Iaith ac wedi sylwi bod fideos o'r gwersi ar gael, hynny yw'r gwersi gaeth y criw o 'selebs' yn ystod yr wythnos o ddysgu.  Maen nhw'n para am 2awr yr un ac yn gwerth eu gweld.   Ewch yma i'w gwylio.

I've been looking at the Cariad@Iaith - Love4Language website, and have noticed that videos of the lessons are available, the lessons that is that the celebs got during the week of learning.  They last for 2 hrs each and are worth watching.  Go here to watch them.


Mae'r cyffro wedi dechrau...

Wel mae cyffro Cariad@Iaith/Love4Language wedi dechrau ar S4C! 

Dan ni wedi cyfarfod y 'celebs' sy'n cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen, a dyma dipyn bach amdanyn nhw, ond ewch i'r wefan http://www.s4c.co.uk/cariadatiaith/e_index.shtml am mwy:

Lembit Opik! - no explanation needed, though interestingly his first language is Estonian, despite being brought up in Northern Ireland!

Helen Lederer - Comic/Writer, born in Wales as her father was working there at the time, can say 'bore da'..

Sophie Evans - (from the Rhondda, came second in 'Somewhere over the Rainbow', has sung the Welsh version on telly 'Rhywle, Draw Dros yr Enfys')

Colin Charvis - Birmingham born Welsh rugby player now settled in Abertawe, was on the Big Welsh Challenge so knows a fair bit Welsh of, including Hen Wlad fy Nhadau...wel sort of!)

Josie D'arby - tv presenter, actores, born in Casnewydd (Newport), keen to embrace her Welsh roots and promote awareness of ethnic minorities in Wales.

Matt Johnson - Born in Caerffili, now presenting on OKTV,  the introduction shows him performing with what looks like a Welsh boy band! so could be a dark horse!

Rhys from GLC ('Goldie Lookin Chain' that is) - Casnewydd born and bred, claims to have missed out on any Welsh lessons that may have been offered at school,  one to watch!

Melanie Walters - actores o Abertawe, most famous for her portrayal of Staceys mum (Gwen) in Gavin and Stacey.  She learnt some Welsh whilst at Aberystwyth Uni, though was put off by some peoples reaction to learners back in the 70's. Times have changed hopefully!

The 'dosbarthiadau' started on  dydd Sadwrn, with the first programme following the antics (yr hynt a helynt) nos Sul,  dwi'n edrych ymlaen....

cymryd rhan - taking place



Mi fydd cyfres newydd o Cariad@iaith yn dechrau nos wener ar S4C.   Mae'n saith mlynedd ers i Tanni Grey Thompson 'ennill' y cyfres diweddaraf, cyfres mae pobl yn ei gofio oherwydd ymddygiad (behaviour) Janet Street Porter.  

Y tro yma, mae'r criw o 'celebs' yn dysgu mewn 'gwersyll amgen' lawr yn Sir Penfro, ac mi fydd S4C yn darlledu uchafbwyntiau eu amser yna pob nos, wrth iddyn nhw drio dysgu rhywfaint o Gymraeg mewn wythnos.  Mae 'na ddau o diwtoriaid yn eu dysgu nhw, Nia Parry, a Ioan Talfryn Davies sy'n dysgu yn y Canolfan Iaith yn Ninbych fel arfer.

Ymhlith y selebs eleni ydy Lempit Opic, Helen Lederer, a chwpl o rapwyr o'r grwp Goldie Lookin Chain. Cymysgedd diddorol iawn!

Dyma'r wefan (website)

 cyfres - series
 diweddaraf - most recent
oherwydd - because of
criw - crew/group
gwersyll amgen - alternative campsite
darlledu - broadcast
uchafbwyntiau - highlights
rhywfaint - some amount
ymhlith - amongst
rapwyr - rappers
cymysgedd - mixture