Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i bawb! Mae 2012 (dwy fil a deuddeg) wedi cyrraedd, ac mae'n amser i wneud 'adduned' y flwyddyn newydd.... efallai?
Dwi'n mynd i ymdrechu darllen un llyfr yn y Gymraeg pob mis dros y deuddeg (12) mis nesa, adduned sy' ddim yn rhy uchelgeisiol, ond gawn ni weld!
Blwyddyn newydd dda - happy new year (lit. good new year)
pawb - everybody
cyrraedd - arrived
adduned - resolution
efallai - maybe
ymdrechu - to make an effort
pob - every
dros - over
nesa - next
sy' ddim - which isn't
rhy - too
uchelgeisiol - ambitious
gawn ni weld - we'll see
Hello Neil Wyn -- I'm happy to have found your site. I'm a Wirral-loving Californian with friends in Wallasey and New Brighton whom I visit most years. My dad's father was born in Corwen and, at the relatively late age of 64, I've decided to learn Welsh. I won't be able to take one of your classes til I retire in 2014, so I hope you'll still be teaching then. Meanwhile, I'll keep reading your blog and pick up what Welsh I can from other sources. Cheers!