
Ymddiheuriadau - um-thee-hay-rrree-ad-eye (apologies)

I must apologise for missing some of the comments on this blog, as for some reason they are sent to an obscure e-mail address I rarely check! There must be a way of changing this, and I'll try to do this a.s.a.p. as I appreciate any response, comments etc.

Anyway, one of the problems people can encounter when learning Welsh is a Welsh speakers eagerness to turn the conversation back to English as soon as they sense you're a learner, and perhaps you're struggling to communicate something. Thank goodness many Cymry Cymraeg (Welsh speaking Welsh people) are happy for learners to practice on/with them, and resist the urge to help in this way.

This is not just a problem for dysgwyr Cymraeg, as highlighted in this post (part of this is in English) on Morfablog (Morfablog, by the way was one of the first blogs in the Welsh language, and is written by Nic Dafis, a learner turned tutor). Perhaps not suprisingly, practicing your Finish skills in Finland can be quite a challenge!


  1. Popeth yn iawn Neil...fy nodion cario ddim diddordeb beth bynnag!
    Wythnos diwetha fy ffrind gaeth o ddamwain ar Tryfan ond mae o'n gweddol.
    Mae gynno fo gur pen!

  2. dwi'n falch (glad) o glywed bod (that) dy ffrind di ddim yn rhy ddrwg ar ôl ei ddamwain ar Dryfan. Mae'r hen fynydd wedi hawlio (claimed) sawl bywyd dros y blynyddoedd mae'n siwr (for sure)!
