
Blwyddyn newydd.....

Well here we are on the verge of a new degawd (decade) (I think? though some say that'll be in 2011) and I'm looking forward to, and trying to write lesson plans for (yes there are plans!) a new term of teaching Welsh. So 'Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i bawb, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen at eich gweld chi i gyd wythnos nesaf' :)

I've been doing a bit of 'homework' myself, namely reading in Welsh which I find improves my vocab, and general understanding of the language. I'm still dipping into Malcolm Allen's (the footballer) hunangofiant (autobiography) from time to time, but have been gripped by Llwyd Owens
latest novel 'Y Blaidd' (the wolf), which I got as a Christmas present.

Llwyd Owen is a young writer from Caerdydd (Cardiff) who rocked the world of Welsh literature when he won the 'Llyfr y Flwyddyn' (book of the year) competition with a gritty graphic novel about Cardiff's underworld 'Fydd, Gobaith, Cariad' (faith, hope, Love). I remember writing on my blog back in 2007 after reading the book something like 'I'm glad I learnt Welsh just to be able to have read this book', and being in the middle of a Llwyd Owen book is still a great feeling. There are some of his short stories in English for free on the website as well, though i've yet to read them. I've never been a great reader, but do find that reading in a second language gives another dimension to the experience, and remember there are many novels written specifically for learners out there which are a good starting point. I started with Bywyd Blodwen Jones by Bethan Gwanas.

I haven't got a date for the learners Eisteddfod yet, though I should get some info within a week or two, so we can plan ahead this year. I have an idea for a recitation piece which I will share with you when we return!

Hwyl am y tro, Neil


Nadolig Llawen...

Wel mae'n 'noswyl y Nadolig' (Xmas eve) bron,
ac mae hi'n bwrw eira tu allan (wel tipyn bach). Dwi ddim yn gwybod os fydd hi'n Nadolig gwyn yma yng Nghilgwri, ond mwynhewch y gŵyl beth bynnag, a Nadolig Llawen i bawb!

bron - almost
tu allan - outside
os fydd hi - if it will be
mwynhewch - enjoy!
gŵyl - holiday
beth bynnag - whatever


Siopa Dolig (Christmas Shopping)

There's a vocab/geirfa underneath this piece to help:

Wnes i wibio draw i'r Wyddgrug y p'nawn 'ma, er mwyn prynu cardiau Nadolig Cymraeg yn Siop y Siswrn (a great place to 'earwig' some Welsh and maybe practice(!?)relatively locally). Tra oeddwn i yna, wnes i sylwi ar y siop drws nesa (o'r enw 'Tlws'), sydd efo casgliad mawr o gemwaith, felly es i i mewn er mwyn prynu anrhegion Nadolig. Mae popeth yn y siop yn ddwyieithog, felly wnes i ddechrau siarad Cymraeg efo'r dynes tu ôl i'r cownter a gaethon ni sgwrs braf am ychydig o funudau cyn i mi brynu breichled arian i Jill a chrogdlws ar gadwyn i'r merch.

Wedyn es i mewn i Siop y Siswrn a phori trwy'r llyfrau am ddeg munud (yn trio ffeindio ysbrydoliaeth am anrhegion Nadolig i fy rhieni) cyn holi am gardiau nadolig Cymraeg. Yn anffodus roedden nhw wedi gwerthu allan bron, ond wnes i brynu hanner dwsin o'r rhai ar wahan (ffordd eitha drud o brynu cardiau), i ychydig o aelodau'r teulu sy'n Cymry Cymraeg.

gwibio - dart/dash
draw - over
er mwyn - in order to
tra - while
sylwi - notice
casgliad - collection
gemwaith - jewellery
dwyieithog - bi-lingual
breichled - bracelet
crogdlws - pendant
cadwyn - chain
p(h)ori - browse/graze
ysbrydoliaeth - inspiration
bron - almost
ar wahan - except
eitha drud - rather expensive
Cymry Cymraeg - Welsh speaking Welsh people