Dwi ddim yn siwr bod y gair 'cofnideo' yn un 'swyddogol', ond dyma'r gair sy'n cael ei defnyddio gan Chris Cope (Americanwr sy'n byw Nghaerdydd ac sydd wedi dysgu'r iaith 'ma) i ddisgrifio ei fideo blogs Cymraeg. Cymysgedd ydy o o'r gair 'cofnodi' (to record) a 'fideo' (video -wrth gwrs!).
Maen nhw'n gwerth eu gwylio, ond mewn un o ei 'gofnideos' yr wythnos yma, mae Chris yn ein cyfeirio ni at gofnideo arall, hynny ydy 'Wales Shark'. Mae'n anodd disgrifio y rhain, ond maen nhw yn Saesneg efo rhyw fath o wers Cymraeg yn rhan ohonynt.
swyddogol - official
cymysgedd - a mixture
cyfeirio - to direct (as in directs us to)
y rhain - these
rhyw fath - some sort
gwes - lesson
ohonynt - of them.
Reasons to Learn Welsh... Un, Dau, Tri,
Not that we need any more reasons to learn Welsh! but research, this time from the USA, adds further weight to the benefits of bilingualism, in particular as a way of reducing the risk of developing Alzheimers. Other forms of mental activity are of course thought to be beneficial, as are lifestyle choices, but by using two languages there is apparently a subconcsious level of activity continuously going on in specific areas of the brain which is particularly helpful. Those of us learning Welsh know only too well the level of mental activity required, so this I suppose won't come as a huge suprise, though those who are 'naturally' bilingual perhaps take it for granted!?
Here's the Western Mails report on the same story.
Here's the Western Mails report on the same story.
Gwefan 'Golwg 360' efo help i ddysgwyr rwan...
English below
Mae 'Golwg360', y gwasanaeth newyddion ar-lein Cymraeg, wedi ychwanegu teclyn 'Vocab' (edrychwch ar gornel dde uchaf y tudalen), rhywbeth sy'n gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn i ddysgwyr. Mae 'Vocab' ar gael ar rai o wefanau Cymraeg y BBC yn barod a mae'n rhywbeth wnes i ddefnyddio'n aml tra ddysgu. Mae 'Vocab' yn gweithio trwy amlygu nifer o'r geiriau sydd ar y tudalen (tua hanner ohonyn nhw fel arfer). Trwy symud y 'cursor' dros un o'r geiriau wneith bocs yn ymddangos efo diffyniad y gair. Wrth gwrs mae cyffraith 'sod' yn golygu bod weithiau y gair dach chi'n chwilio am ddiffyniad ohono fo ydy'r un heb ei amlygu!
Mae Golwg360 yn cynnig erthyglau digon byr mewn iaith syml, newyddion, chwaraeon, gwleidyddiaeth ac ati. Dwi wedi ei gael o fel 'tudalen cartref' ers cwpl o flynyddoedd erbyn hyn, sy'n gwneud i mi ddarllen rhywbeth yn Gymraeg pob tro dwi'n agor fy ngluniadur (laptop), ..ymarfer da!!
Golwg360, the Welsh language on line news service has added the 'Vocab' tool (look in the top right hand corner of the page), something which can be very useful to learners. Vocab is available on some of the BBC's websites already and is something I used often while learning. Vocab works through highlighting some of the words on the page (around half of them usually), and through moving the cursor over one of the word a box will appear with a definition of the word. Of course 'sods law' means that sometimes the word that you are searching for a definition of is the one which isn' highlighted!
Golwg360 offers short articles in reasonably simple Welsh, news, sport, politics etc. I've had it as a homepage for a couple of years now, which makes me read something in Welsh every time I open my laptop.. good practice.
Mae 'Golwg360', y gwasanaeth newyddion ar-lein Cymraeg, wedi ychwanegu teclyn 'Vocab' (edrychwch ar gornel dde uchaf y tudalen), rhywbeth sy'n gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn i ddysgwyr. Mae 'Vocab' ar gael ar rai o wefanau Cymraeg y BBC yn barod a mae'n rhywbeth wnes i ddefnyddio'n aml tra ddysgu. Mae 'Vocab' yn gweithio trwy amlygu nifer o'r geiriau sydd ar y tudalen (tua hanner ohonyn nhw fel arfer). Trwy symud y 'cursor' dros un o'r geiriau wneith bocs yn ymddangos efo diffyniad y gair. Wrth gwrs mae cyffraith 'sod' yn golygu bod weithiau y gair dach chi'n chwilio am ddiffyniad ohono fo ydy'r un heb ei amlygu!
Mae Golwg360 yn cynnig erthyglau digon byr mewn iaith syml, newyddion, chwaraeon, gwleidyddiaeth ac ati. Dwi wedi ei gael o fel 'tudalen cartref' ers cwpl o flynyddoedd erbyn hyn, sy'n gwneud i mi ddarllen rhywbeth yn Gymraeg pob tro dwi'n agor fy ngluniadur (laptop), ..ymarfer da!!
Golwg360, the Welsh language on line news service has added the 'Vocab' tool (look in the top right hand corner of the page), something which can be very useful to learners. Vocab is available on some of the BBC's websites already and is something I used often while learning. Vocab works through highlighting some of the words on the page (around half of them usually), and through moving the cursor over one of the word a box will appear with a definition of the word. Of course 'sods law' means that sometimes the word that you are searching for a definition of is the one which isn' highlighted!
Golwg360 offers short articles in reasonably simple Welsh, news, sport, politics etc. I've had it as a homepage for a couple of years now, which makes me read something in Welsh every time I open my laptop.. good practice.
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