
Gavin, Stacey a Deano...

I've just been watching the episode of Gavin and Stacey (series 3, episode 3) where Smithy and 'the boys' are coming down to stay in Barry with Uncle Bryn.   There are quite a few bits of Welsh in this episode, as Deano, one of Smithy's mates has gone to the trouble of doing an intensive Welsh course before traveling down, to help him 'communicate' while down in Wales.  His opening greeting of  'Shwmae, Dean dwi, dwi'n hapus i fod yma yn y Barri' is met by a sea of blank faces, and a kindly 'We don't really speak Welsh round here' from Gwen, before Uncle Bryn appears saying 'Croeso i Gymru'!

Later on in a nightclub, undeterred Deano is trying out his Welsh to chat up one of the girls, who replies of course in English.  Deano replies  'Yng Nghymraeg os gwelwch yn dda'...   amhrisiadwy (priceless)!


  1. Wnes i weld o hefyd - doniol!
    Cymro heb Cymraeg = Bechod!
    Dw i'n wedi bod o siopa mewn Primark heddiw.
    Roedd hi'n diflas iawn.
    Fel arfer.
    Mae gen i llamhydidd newydd.

  2. Byddwch yn ofalus (be carefull) efo'r geiriadur!

    llamhidydd = jumper/acrobat!!
    siwmper = jumper (as in clothes)

    If you were talking about a 'hoodie' from Primark, you could use the excelent word 'cwcwll'! It would worth spending £5 just to say: 'Wnes i brynu gwgwll o Primark ddoe'!!

  3. No, Primark has expanded and now sells acrobats!
    (Russian mainly but they can order Rumanians if you're prepared to wait). Apparently.
    Anyway, I'm more than happy with Miroslav-he somersaults across our lounge in the most delightful manner and it certainly beats watching The One Show.
    That said, I am rather tempted to go and check out those 'cwcwlliau' in the morning....

    (exit, pursued by a bear)

  4. Yn fy marn i, mae'n dipyn bach yn drist fod Gymraeg dim yn ymddangos yn a program mwy. Dwi'n garu o, wrth gwrs, ond mae na lot mawr o "potential" (esgusodwch fi) pethau doniol i gwneud efo jocs sydd yn defnyddio'r iaith. Mae'r epsiode hon yn enghraifft dda.

    Saesneg yw fy iaith gynta ond roeddwn i wedi dysgu Gymraeg yn ysgol gynradd. Ar ol darllen eich comments, roeddwn i wedi cael teimlod gryf i cyfrannu, a mae rhaid i mi dweud dwi 'di hoffi sgwennu o lot fawr, hyd yn oed mae'n dipyn bach yn wael!

  5. Thankyou so much for writing out Deano's reply so I could translate it- it *is* priceless, & so Deano! I've been re-watching Gavin & Stacey, & I obviously don't speak Welsh, but it's a beautiful language, & I was dying to know what Deano said to the girl! If anyone checks old posts, I'd still LOVE to know what he said to her first... traceybethan@gmail.com
