
Diwedd Tymor...

A translation of this post is beneath. Don't worry if you don't understand much, it's not written at any particular level, it helps me though to write in Welsh! I've included some vocab where I think it may help before the translation.

Mae'n annodd credu bod blwyddyn arall o ddysgu wed dod i ben!

Dwi wir yn gobeithio eich bod chi wedi mwynhau'r profiad o ddysgu Cymraeg... hyd yn hyn, dwi wedi mwynhau gweithio fel tiwtor, a thrwy hynny wedi dysgu llawer fy hun! Dwi'n edrych ymlaen at gario ymlaen ym mis medi.

Mae pobl yn tueddi cymharu dysgu iaith efo taith (er taith digon rhyfedd mae'n siwr!). Dydy o ddim yn bosib dweud yn union pa mor hir a fydd y daith, neu ba mor gyflym a fyddech chi'n teithio. Weithiau (efallai) mi fyddech chi'n difaru cychwyn ar y daith o gwbl (fel bod mewn canol tagfa erchyll ar y A55!), ac yn diawlio'r iaith yma a'i holl cymlethdodau, ond weithiau mi fyddech chi'n yn teimlo'n dda (gobeithio), wrth i chi ddeall rhywbeth eich bod chi'n clywed rhywle, neu'n trio dweud rhywbeth a chael ymateb positif (sydd ddim yn digwydd pob tro, hyd yn oed i ddysgwyr mwy profiadol.. ond mae 'na bobl od ym mhob man 'does!). Dwi'n cofio'n iawn y gwefr a ges i ar ól cwplhau fy nofel Cymraeg cyntaf (un i ddysgwyr). A dweud y gwir, mae'n well gen i ddarllen yn y Gymraeg hyd heddiw, gan mod i'n dal i gael yr un teimlad.

Ta waeth, peryg fy mod i'n dechrau crwydro rwan, felly hwyl am y tro:-)

wedi dod i ben - has come to an end
wir - really
(eich) bod chi - that you have
hyd yn hyn - idiom = to this place/so far ('hyd yma' means the same)
tueddi - tend
dal i - still
mae'n well gen i - I prefer


It's hard to believe that another year of learning/teaching has come to an end.

I really hope that you've enjoyed the experience of learning Welsh...so far, I've enjoyed working as your tutor, and through that have learnt much myself! I'm looking forward to carrying on in September.

People tend to compare learning a language to a journey (though a strange enough journey!). It's not possible to say exactly how far the journey will be, nor how fast you'll be traveling. Sometimes (perhaps) you'll regret starting the journey atall (like being in the middle of a queue on the A55!), and curse this language and all its complications, but sometimes you'll be feeling good as well (hopefully), as you understand something that you hear somewhere, or try saying something and get a posative reaction (which doesn't happen every time, even to more experienced learners... but ther are odd people everywhere aren't there!). I remember the buzz I got after finishing reading my first Welsh novel (one for learners). To be honest I prefer to read in Welsh even now, as I still get the same feeling.

Anyway, there's a danger I've started to wander now, so bye for now, Neil

1 comment:

  1. Gwyl Neil, diolch am y blog drwy'r flwyddyn, dalier ati.
